Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do Re Mi

Let's start at the very beginning.  A very good place to start.  I'm going to Africa (for those of you who didn't know or gather that from the title).  I'm doing a study abroad program through the School for Field Studies in Kenya and Tanzania (Details n' such).  The classes I am taking are (sad that I had to look these up): Techniques of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Ecology, Environmental Policy and Socioeconomic Values, and Introduction to Swahili Language and East African Tribal Communities.  Since that is a lot to handle I will be referring to these in later posts as follows: Zookeeping 101, Elephant Relationships, Man vs Wild, and Intro to Hakuna Matata.  I'm also doing a directed research program at the end which is probably going to be along the lines of me counting elephants, but more details on that later.  Okay, for those of you asking yourselves "isn't she majoring in marine science"?  Well, yes, indeed I am.  However, I'm taking a little break and adding an environmental studies minor in the mix so worry no more, everything is just swell.

As for the living arrangements I only have details about the Kenya site but apparently the Tanzania site is much classier and newer aka not as fun to look at.  I'm going to Kenya first by the way and then switching to Tanzania halfway through.  Take a look at these to see my home sweet home for the next couple of months :-)

Classroom/dining area
View of Mt. Kilimanjaro
Dining area
My banda!
Inside my hut
Study space
Another view

Pretty exciting!!!  I leave on Saturday night from Newark, NJ and apparently I just found out we have a 12 hour layover in London so I'm hoping to   explore although there aren't any certain plans.  Packing extravaganzas and goals for the experience are coming soon!


  1. I guess I'm gonna miss you.....
    but just know that everytime I watch Lion King and sing The Circle of Life you'll be in my thoughts loser.

  2. I'm soooo excited and happy for you! This looks like an amazing adventure, and i really wish i could be experiencing it all with you! You better take more pictures than you did in Costa!!!! Love you lots!
