Friday, April 22, 2011

Happiness is a 10!

My entire life I've been the average person in terms of happiness I feel.  I've always loved to joke around, be absolutely ridiculous, laugh a lot, and be quite chatty with other people, proof of my love for summer camp.   I've never let things bother me too much and I've remained pretty calm in most situations.  I would call myself a social person and if I had to rate my happiness on a scale of 1-10 I would give it an 8.  Because like most other people I know I always think the grass is greener on the other side.  I always wanted what somebody else had, whatever it may have been.  But suddenly within the past few days I have realized something...

I’ve realized that it is true, the grass is often greener on the other side.  There is always going to be something I want to be, want to do, something I dream of but that isn’t a bad thing.  I should be always looking forward to something, because as I’ve learned, looking forward to something gives me almost as much happiness as actually doing it.  And why shouldn’t it?  So I’m not going to dwell on always wanting to be something else because if I really want to I can make that happen.  The grass is greener over there but all you have to do is go there.  Sometimes you may have to be quite creative in your means of going there and often there are sacrifices you have to make but if you really want it you can find a way.  I’ve come to where the grass is greener, in fact super green, here in Africa and here I have barely even thought about anything else I want.  I want to be here and here I am, which translates to a 10 on the happiness scale J

Africa has given me a lot….the greatest friends, the most wonderful mentors, the cutest little kids in the whole world, the ability to view elephants and giraffes as regular sights, the knowledge that money isn’t everything, the inspiration to do what I want to do, a reminder as to how wonderful my friends/family are at home, but most of all happiness and hope.  I feel like I could take on the world right now, similar to my teenage years where I was clearly invincible.  That’s the same way I feel now and I couldn’t ask for anything else.  Because I’m happy and loving life….now I just need some more Wyatt Beard in it J (creativity is needed on that one!)

I encourage you to go to the other side where the grass is beautiful and green, wherever that may be, and to not feel bad about leaving the side you’re on.  Now is a better time than ever, so why wait?   

Yup, I have a pet warthog

I <3 Africa


  1. sooooooo inspirational, I love you!

  2. This is such an amazing trip for you and I am so happy you are sharing it with us!!! I don't know if I could ever do something like this, but what an awesome experience for you!! I just read all your post for this month and it sounds like you are really enjoying your time there!! Keep all the amazing pictures coming!!!
