Saturday, March 26, 2011

Diafail turns into a Diawin???

So once upon a time the whole group left for Tanzania at 6 am on Thursday morning, meaning we woke up at 5 to pack our last things and eat breakfast.  So, naturally I was quite tired and emotional from having to leave all of the staff, but excited for the new adventure to come.  We did a search of our banda like 25 times because my bandamate is quite the prepared one, and nothing was to be found except our pet mouse Martha so we were good to go.  Confident that I had not forgotten anything we set out for Tanzania with a strict timeline on meeting the Tanzania group at the border and about 1.5 hours in I realized something.  I had forgotten all of my insulin in the fridge in Kenya.  I quickly scanned my pump to see there were exactly 92 units left in my pump which would last me about 2 days.  Panicking, the following conversation occurred...

Me: Harrison (our driver), I need to talk to Molly (Student Affairs Manager aka most glorious person in the world) because I forgot something very important at KBC.
Harrison: What did you forget?  We can mail it to you.
Me: No, it's my insulin and I really need it.
Harrison (on the radio): Molly, please hold up in your car.
I roll down the window after pulling up to the car Molly was driving...
Me: Once upon a time I forgot all of my insulin back at camp.
Molly: Really? (puts her hand over her mouth) Well, we can't go back now but let me call Kioko and we will figure something out.
Me: Okay (I sink into the seat out of embarrassment...)

After a couple tears and a few, "Why am I so dumb?" statements we finally arrive at the border where I try and hide from Molly out of embarrassment and terror.  But, luckily she says that a guy will be returning from KBC to Tanzania in two days and in the meantime we can get insulin from the local clinic in Tanzania.  Thanking my lucky stars the guy with the insulin is coming in the next three hours because he got stuck in traffic in Arusha.  However, this morning we went to the clinic just incase, and guess what I came home with?  Good old Regular insulin.  Haven't used it since I was I think 10, maybe younger, but I'm feeling pretty cool right now.  It's even a little bit retro, if you will.  So I'm pretty stoked about that and the doses seem to be working, however, as if that wasn't a diawin in itself.  On the way back from the clinic me and the other two girls that came along got to go out to lunch with our new student affairs manager, Erica.  She is fabulous by the way.  And the lunch was even somewhat american involving a chicken caesar salad and pizza (kind of)!  Of course though it's a secret, but let's just say I might just have to run out of insulin another time.

So overall I would probably say that the largest diafail of my whole life turned into one of the biggest diawins including R and american food.  Just another reason why I love Africa.....tons.  

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