Sunday, March 27, 2011

Karibu Tanzania

So my love for Kenya is definitely still there and always will be, but my love for Tanzania is definitely growing.  Today was a non-program day (aka a weekend) where we just had one class in the morning from 8-9:30 and then the rest of the day to do what we wanted.  I chose to go on a hike to the elephant cave which is a whole bunch of caves that have been carved out by elephants.  On the way we saw fresh leopard paw prints as well as humongous elephant tracks.  It was pretty cool and I was a little scared but the guide did not seemed panicked at all so that put me at ease.  In my mind I was thinking of ways to fend off the leopard with my walking stick.  But, needless to say it was absolutely beautiful and it reminded me of the rainforest feel in Costa Rica and I felt like I should be ziplining down the mountains. At the top we reached the elephant caves and then stood at the top of a waterfall that was 40 meters tall.  It was an unbelievable view and I'm so happy I went!  Tanzania is beautiful, it really is.  

And after the hike we went to the town of Karatu which is about 15 minutes from the campsite and hung out there for a little bit.  It was a huge success because I tried practicing my swahili.  Also, I had my pump site in my arm and after some guy asked what medicine it was I responded with that it helped keep my arm connected to my body and that sometimes if I take the medicine off in the shower my arm falls off.  Really funny to me, probably not so funny to everybody else.  Oh and we found an awesome music store that has agreed to blast our music when we do our flash mob in town ( way more on that later).  Lastly, good old Happy Days.  It is a pub where we got American food and have never been happier.  I split a hawaiian pizza and a cheeseburger and it was deluxe.  Except my stomach hurt after so it should be quite interesting returning to american food full time.  

Oh, and as if the day wasn't cool enough after the pub Joe and I signed out at the gate and went down into town to visit our neighbors and the most adorable kids ever!  I'm trying desperately to learn their names but there are so many of them it's crazy.  Of course pictures of their cute faces are on their way, but for now some pictures from today's hike.

Elephant caves in the back

beautiful waterfall

1 comment:

  1. Leopard prints, elephant caves, hawaiian pizza, Oh My! Sounds like a great day! And Tanzania sure looks lush and green!
