Thursday, February 10, 2011

What is normal anyway?

Only 10 days into being here and I already feel like a completely different person.  Things that I never thought I would consider a regular day thing have become normal.  It’s unbelievable what Africa does to you!  I’ve created a list of things that are now “normal” for me and also a list of things that used to be strange and are yet still strange.

Things that never used to be normal but now are:

1)   counting herds of African mammals (specifically zebras and elephants)
2)   seeing giraffes alongside the road
3)   doing a black momba check around my banda before bed
4)   having baboons swing from trees around me during class
5)   sleeping, eating, going to class, and playing games with the exact same people every day
6)   going on safaris
7)   ice cold showers
8)   viewing waking up at 7 as sleeping in
9)   drinking warm water all day every day
10)   only having electricity for 4 hours a day
11)    waving and saying jambo to anyone and everyone
12)    being covered in burrs all day
13)    not flinching at bats that fly at your face at night
14)    rats living next to my bed
15)    sleeping in a claustrophobic mosquito net
16)     mommas bombarding you with jewelry
17)      driving on the left side of the road

Things that used to be strange/frightening and are still strange/frightening:

1)   Seeing a poisonous snake that was too close to the chumba get its head chopped off
2)   Being charged by a cheetah
3)   Showering daily J
4)   Kids walking alone on the side of the road
5)   Doing homework before the day it is due
6)   Gingers
7)   Spears (not Britney but the weapon)
8)   Tarantulas in the shower
9)   Hand washing clothes (disaster)
10)   Replacing ice cream with green beans

And home sweet home...

I <3 Africa


  1. I'm not sure I want to know but what is a black momba? I think I hear the screech of the jet engines as your Mom comes to find out just where you are! Tarantulas, snakes, cheetahs, green much can we stay calm about??

  2. LOL, my favorite one was the "doing homework before it's due" comment!

    Glad to see you're having fun. Trust me, you will never underestimate the value of tap water and driers again!

  3. Arianna,
    I absolutely love reading your blogs! They are so fun and I’m so excited for you. Your blogs are absolutely hilarious and so inspiring. The experiences you are having sound OUT OF THIS WORLD! What incredible lessons you are taking from this journey. I sit in my same-old American dorm room and can only imagine all the amazing adventure you must be having. You’re pictures are gorgeous and I’m so glad you are taking lots of pictures. …Just what an incredible experience! I look forward to your next posts and hearing about all of your crazy escapades. Keep safe! Stay away from those charging elephants and jumping crocodiles. I love you more than you know and I’m so happy for you! Cherish every experience because I’m sure it’s going to go by so fast. Also, I hope you are keeping your diabetes in check!! I miss you tons, but I am so happy for you to experience all of this.
    Love you always, Em

  4. you got charged my a cheetah?!
    but anyways, I love this blog so much!

  5. Gingers? Really? =P I MISS YOU SO MUCH
