Monday, February 28, 2011


Describing low blood sugar has always been difficult for me.  I used to just go the easy way out and say "it's hard to understand unless you have it" and end the conversation there.  It seemed to be a lot easier and a lot less awkward than going into full details of something that I'm not even sure I completely understand.  But lately so many people have been asking that I felt I should design a "no questions", clear-cut, no interpretation, factual way to explain being low.  Well, at least for now, because the proportions change person to person, day to day.  

Recipe for a low blood sugar:
4 cups desire to sleep for 8 days straight
1 cup awkward giggles
1/2 cup extreme anger
2 tbsp spinning scenery
1 tsp trembling
1 gallon urge to eat enough food for 2 full days and usually proceeding to do so
2 tbsp vibrating tongue (I realize this is weird)
3 tsp tingly stomach
3 cups need to lie face first on a tile floor because it is cold   
1/2 cup feeling very out of shape (aka walking down stairs causes you to be out of breath)
1 cup not making sense and getting frustrated that nobody understands
3/4 cup denial
1 pt copious amounts of sweat
2 cups desire to do absolutely nothing for the rest of your life

Put in the freezer soaked in juice for 15 minutes, check and retreat if necessary.

Oh and although lows have been pretty normal here, the treatment is getting pretty cool.  They literally have cookies named glucose.  Aka perfect for lows!  And the funny part is that their slogan is eat healthy, think better.  Not sure if cookies literally named glucose are healthy, but since they say they are I am going to eat as I please...which could end badly.  Very badly. 

1 comment:

  1. Have i told you lately that your beautiful, and inspirational, and you never cease to amaze me with your amazingness.
    I love you!
