Thursday, February 17, 2011


There is this thing in East Africa.  It's called WTS (Weird Tropical Shit).  It's this crazy illness that varies from person to person with an unknown cause, unknown length, and unknown symptoms.  Exactly two weeks in I contracted it.  I won't go into the nasty details but let's just say I'm glad to have recovered and I apologize for slacking on the blog posts.

I went to the nearby clinic, which apparently is the best in the country outside of Nairobi and it was seriously one of the most incredible places I have ever been to.  If you know anything about me you will know that I am not too keen on the doctor’s office thing.  But after just a couple hours there, let’s just say that I already got the contact information to volunteer there at the end of the program.  Another post on that later.  

Quick update on the past few days.  I milked a cow.  Or at least I tried to.  I would say about 50/50 on the amount of milk that ended up in the bucket vs my skirt.  I have to say that maybe I should have gone to UConn after all so I would have this life skill.

We also took another game drive through Amboseli National Park on our way to a tourist lodge.  We got to lay out by the pool and yell at vervet monkeys not to eat all of our food and watch lizards chase each other under our feet.  I wouldn’t call it relaxing, however it was interesting to see other mzungu (white people).  People were decked out in the typical khaki zip-off pants, wide brim hats and button up quick dry shirts.  Sunscreen in one hand, camera in the other, and binoculars around the neck.  Just like in movies.

Today we did a homestay but I don’t have the time or energy to even express in words how wonderful it was right now.  So that update will be coming later as well.  But the updates will pick up again now that WTS has been defeated.  Well that is as long as I don’t get bitten by a black momba on my way to the banda.  Goodnight!

Oh and ps.  I uploaded a lot of the pictures from the last few posts so they should show now! :-) Sorry about that.

1 comment:

  1. I missed your blogs and wondered if anything was up. So glad you are fine and back to loving Africa!
